Thursday, March 4, 2021





“為什麼?”你可能會問。因為您的主要獲利方法無法執行(不是廣告商正在尋找的GEO,操作系統或設備,否則可能會發生其他誤定位)。那麼,我們如何嘗試使用新工具“ TrafficBack”解決這種情況?








假設您進行媒體購買,並且還通過推送訂閱(Smart!)通過著陸頁獲利。用戶來到您的登錄頁面並同意訂閱。對您有好處-您將獲得報酬。如果他不訂閱?如果他阻止了加入請求或來自不支持經典推送通知的操作系統,該怎麼辦? (例如,iOS)。您會賠錢……但不必。






您可以使用多種方式使用TrafficBack。 Propush.me平台負責人Karina Arkhangelskaya建議在以下情況下使用TrafficBack:







通過會員鏈接賺錢的發布商可以實現“更深入”,更複雜的獲利流程,從而更好地適應用戶的行為和偏好。根據我們的統計數據,添加TrafficBack通常會為發布商帶來額外的+ 20%的獲利。















For Publishers & Affiliates: What is TrafficBack and How Does it Work?

Let’s attempt to answer the question on everyone’s mind: how to monetize ALL your traffic. You know all too well that as a rule (a weird rule, but still), a certain portion of your traffic sometimes goes to the trash bin and doesn’t bring you anything but regret.

“Why?” you may ask. Because your primary monetization method failed to perform (Not the GEOs, OS, or devices advertisers were looking for or any other mistarget that can happen). So, how about we try to fix this situation with a new tool – TrafficBack?

Intrigued? Whom are you trying to fool, we bet you are!

What is TrafficBack?

TrafficBack by is an innovative way to monetize users, which, for any reason, didn’t want to subscribe to push notifications.

Yes, TrafficBack is your second chance to monetize ALL traffic if your main monetization method – Push Subscriptions – didn’t work out. 

Who can benefit?

Since we are talking monetization, obviously, publishers working with affiliate links can take advantage of this feature. But not only! This time, affiliates can also join the party and profit with TrafficBack. How?

Okay, we need an example here.

Say you do media buying, and you also monetize your landing page with push subscriptions (Smart!). A user comes to your landing page and agrees to subscribe. Good for you – you’ll get paid. And if he doesn’t subscribe? What if he blocks the opt-in request or comes from the OS that doesn’t support classic Push notifications? (iOS, for example). You would lose your money… but you don’t have to.

If you have the TrafficBack in place, you can still make money no matter what.

The mechanism behind the TrafficBack

After a user is shown an opt-in request, no matter the outcome of this interaction – he is redirected to the relevant offer. The offers are coming from advertisers and selected by the PropellerAds intelligent Rotation Algorithm to match the GEO, OS, and platform.

Here’s a handy scheme:

How to use it?

There are multiple ways you can use TrafficBack. The Head of platform, Karina Arkhangelskaya, recommends using TrafficBack in the following cases:

after the subscription is allowed

after the subscription is blocked

if a user closes the subscription window or swipes it away on mobile

if a user is already subscribed 

if a user comes from the unsupported target (OS, platform, browser)

To put it briefly, both publishers and affiliates can make additional money using TrafficBack.

Publishers earning with affiliate links can achieve a “deeper” and more sophisticated monetization flow that can better adapt to user’s behavior and preferences. According to our statistics, adding TrafficBack usually results in an extra +20% monetization profit for publishers.

Meanwhile, affiliates will ensure that the money they’ve already spent on traffic doesn’t go in vain. You are giving yourself a second chance to earn with every user, even if this user was not interested in your initial offer.

When TrafficBack might not be suitable?

Although TrafficBack is a great instrument, it’s not suitable for every situation.

Publishers with websites/webmasters, in particular, should be really careful. For example, if you own a content website, you don’t want users to leave the page after they subscribe to Push – you want them to read as many pages as possible.

In other words, if your website is all about affiliate links or if you monetize a landing page designed for push subscribers collection, TrafficBack will be just the right solution for you. But in case of content websites, you should look for more traditional monetization methods.

Where to find TrafficBack?

TrafficBack lives in, and this feature is super easier to set up. Have a look:

TLTR: All the important stuff in one paragraph

TrafficBack is the second chance to monetize traffic, even if a user didn’t subscribe to push notifications

TrafficBack works perfectly for both publishers earning with affiliate links and affiliates

Publishers working with affiliate links can achieve a “deeper”, more sophisticated monetization flow and add an extra +20% to their profits

Affiliates can get a second chance to profit from traffic that they’ve already purchased

This feature lets you monetize ALL traffic (no matter the GEO, OS or device): users are redirected to relevant offers, selected by our intelligent rotation algorithm

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